Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


5:30 PM

34.8 mi


16.58 mi / hr


161 lb
131 bpm
173 bpm



6 / 10
7 / 10


Threatened rain all day. Left at 1715 and took the Robinson route to school. I didn't plan to stay with the fast group tonight. My legs feel very stiff after the hard rides to work and the somewhat hard ride Sun. Almost was run over at the Villa Roma when someone turned off Union and cut across Bud Wilson going into the parking lot of the VR. I was looking for traffic to the left planning to make my right turn onto Union. I don't remember seeing the truck but if I did out of my peripheral it would have looked like they were going down Union. When I turned my head to make a right onto Union the truck was only a few feet away and I swerved left to go around them. I turned into VR and waited for them to get out and they said they didn't see me and apologized. I just asked that they pay more attention. The ride was OK for the first few miles. I had run into a few sprinkles on the way over. At one point it began to pour rain and continued off and on so we decided to return to the school. By the time we got to the school and on the way down Beaty it was pouring rain. Rain was streaming off my face and spraying off the tires. A van rode behind me most of the way down Beaty probably because they weren't comfortable with passing with so little visibility but it sure made my trip safer with a car behind me.

max- 33.7

zone- 10:52

cal- 1696
