Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


6:30 PM

21.1 mi


17.47 mi / hr


82 F


COMMENTS: Road with the "Coasters" group tonight. They spun off from the Gaston County group. Their were 5 of us total. A little slower pace but I think they sped up a little. We did a 7 mile loop 3 times. It was threatening rain and this would always put us close to the cars if it started raining. They do a sprint at one point and on the third lap I joined in. One of the guys sped by me so I started pushing hard and passed him at the line finishing first. In retrospect I probably shouldn't have done that on my first ride with them but, hey, if your going to sprint, get going. It was a lot of fun riding in a small group. I led the paceline a couple of times and they commented I did well going into the wind. "Doc" kept coming up to me and telling me not to over do it. I was just looking for a good workout. They do a Sat and Sun morning ride. I may join them again.

max speed- 34.5 (on the sprint)

avg speed- 17.4 a decent avg. This is why I think they went a little faster.
