Bike: Trail ride Previous Next


1:30 PM

24.1 mi


9.01 mi / hr


149.5 lb
169 bpm


78 F
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Poston Park


Went with the intentions of doing five laps. Did manage four. Missed the split on one of them. Hit the trail and as soon as I touched the brakes I remembered adjusting the levers last night and they are way too close to the grips. I couldn't ride it like that so I packed up and went home to get the proper size allen wrench and adjust it out a little. Much better. Started out a little slow. I feel better after a lap. Nothing spectacular during the ride. I noticed a bike in the woods on each lap. Don't know why it was lying there. Looked like a kids bike. The rocky descent spooked me once. I got off line and thought it was going to shoot me out the left side. Took three bottles of "Sustained Energy" and three gels. The plan was to finish a bottle and a gel in two laps. That worked well. Did finish two bottles and skipped the last get since I was finished. Actually two bottles in almost three hours of riding is not enough. Pretty tired on the last lap but felt like I should get home. Four was enough for today with the 125 mile ride planned for Sat. Finally broke 150 again on my weight. Mostly water loss from sweat. See what it is in the morning.

zone- 26:28

cal- 2679

max- 22.0
