Run: Easy Previous Next


7:45 AM

6 mi


9:53 mi


162 lb
147 bpm
161 bpm


69 F
  • Map

Kendrick Rd


COMMENTS: Today's run felt good. Looks like I survived the "too many miles" last week without affecting my schedule too much. After 2 miles I had contemplated doing 8 but that's what got me into trouble so I stuck with 6. By the 5th mile I had picked up the pace quite a bit and was glad i wasn't doing 8. I need to get going in the morning. Its hot by 8:30. Not sure why the calories were lower than usual for this many miles. Cliff Bar P/B and milk this morning seems to work good. Nothing during the run and some G-ade when I finish. Saw 1 person running today. I started a little late so the others may have finished. I haven't lost much on the half marathon schedule by cutting my mileage back this week. Not surprised my weight went up a bit. My mileage went down but my appetite didn't.

zone 5- 0:00

cal- 898

10k- 1:01:25 (need a 9:39 pace or 57:56))
