Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


6:30 PM

18.9 mi


20.03 mi / hr


74 F


COMMENTS: I couldn't get off work early enough to start out with the group so I plotted a course where I thought I could catch them. Even with a 20 mph average I only managed to meet them at the school. Next time I'll just ride the course backwards and turn around when we meet. The first half was mostly with the wind and my average was 21.4. Then it dropped as I mad my way back. A dog was crouched in the grass to ambush me at the top of a big hill. Lucky for me I was keeping my speed and out ran him. I've never seen him before and forgot to ask if he was there when the group went by. A good workout but not much fun doing that much work by yourself.

avg- 20.0

