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10:00 AM

60 mi


17.2 mi / hr


153 bpm



Perfect weather. Good crowd. Left promptly at 10. I just stayed with Ben, Jeff C, and Jason. The first part was not very hilly and we had a good average. We were going at a harder pace than I wanted trying to save some for the trip home and knowing the big hills were at the end of the ride. When the hills showed up Jeff dropped back and later I found out he had broken a spoke. We stopped at the first of two aid stations and chowed down on Fig Newtons and bananas. Topped off a bottle with Gatorade. There were highs and lows during the ride but all told it was pretty typical. Apart from the pace I've ridden these parts on some group rides before. The wind was brutal at times. It seemed to be blowing right in your face or at such an angle that riding in a paceline was not helping. By the time we got to Pinnacle Road I was spent and struggled getting up but another five miles should not be a problem. Ben topped the hill first and rocketed down the other side and didn't let up. I finally lost sight of him on the twisty descent. Back to the park and chatted a little. I thought it was a decent average considering the worse hills were at the end.

max- 39.8

zone- 1:12:36 Above 160 bpm for a third of the ride.

cal- 4649
