Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


6:00 PM

35 mi


19.81 mi / hr


150 lb
147 bpm
176 bpm


87 F


COMMENTS: Holy cow, what a ride. I was doing fine up to about mile 18 and started noticing the front group pulling away. I was riding behind about 3 people so I went around them and tried to catch the front group. I peddled for everything I had about 3-4 miles and they were pulling away. I've never seen anything like it. I always knew a group can go faster than a single person but this was amazing. I finally gave up and two of the three I passed caught up with me so I filed in behind them and just the three of us can go faster than one but we never caught the main group. I would estimate they finished 5 min ahead of us. I saw a couple of them leaving the parking lot as we were approaching the school. This was a big dose of humble pie. I see what a group can do if you let them get away.

cal- 1632

zone 5- 18:30

max speed- 38.0

avg- 19.6

GPS Data:

Battery flat with 4 miles to go.


20.0 mph avg

31.08 miles

1598 cal

5 mile splits avg speed:

19.4 21.3 21.6 20.3 21.3 18.1 14.9(1 mile)
