Run: Easy Previous Next


5:00 PM

2 mi


9:54 mi


52 F
  • Map

WA Bess



1- 2:24 5- 2:29

2- 2:28 6- 2:29

3- 2:31 7- 2:31

4- 2:31 8- 2:25

5k time would be 30:56.2

The track was soaked. It was more like a x-country run. Good temperature. I felt strong after the first mile. My breathing would switch between inhale-3 steps/exhale-2 and inhale-2/exhale-2. Mostly 3/2 untill I could feel I needed 2/2 for a short while then back to 3/2. Felt like I had settled into a rythm after half a mile. This is about my limit for now without pushing too hard. I had planned to run a mile each day this week and start running 2 miles next week. Probably just go to the gym tomorrow and give my legs a break.
