Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


10:30 AM

31.6 mi


16.71 mi / hr


164 lb


50 F
  • Map

Random Route


Ryan came over at 10. We had planned to ride 33 miles. Fiddled about a little and left out at 10:30. Super windy going down Robinson so we didn't get the advantage of the slight downhill slope. And very windy again on the outbound leg. Things were going well just chatting. After we crossed the bridge on N Kingsbury I looked over my shoulder to move left just in time to hear Ryan say something and I felt his wheel touch mine. The next thing I hear is what sounds like a cardboard box sliding down the road. Luckily he mostly hit the dirt but the bike had some scraps and possibly bent the derailleur hanger. We sorted things out. Tie-wrapped his computer to the stem and went on. It was a combination of quite a few circumstances lining up to cause it. I turned on Beaty to cut off a couple of miles and with the tail wind went pretty fast. All's well. We finished the ride without further incident. I wore my HR monitor and forgot to start it.

max- 32
