Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


6:45 AM

36.3 mi


16.63 mi / hr




COMMENTS: Good ride. About 10 of us. Doc rides his single speed which limits the pace to about 18 mph until someone gets up and pushes it up to 23. I don't know why people speed up when they get up front. Just look at your speed and hold it. I forgot to take my water bottles so I stopped by a store and bought two bottles of G-ade which fit into the bottles cages nice I thought. Just before we get to Cramer Mountain a bump knocks one of them out so I turn around look for it, stop to pick it up, and still catch most everybody at the top of the mountain. I haven't ridden my mountain bike in four weeks. I need to get on it more often. I really need to run if I'm planning to run the Myrtle Beach Marathon.

avg- 16.6

max- 30.5

Cannondale Odometer- 2072.1

Iron Horse Odometer- 186.3

Maxxis tire- 458.8
