Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


5:00 PM

48.7 mi


18.2 mi / hr


137 bpm
170 bpm


95 F


COMMENTS: Not much of the usual group tonight. I did 15 on the way to the school. Met Kurt who was one of the fast group a couple of Wed ago. Started out ok. Kurt lead he first few miles and turned off somewhere. I wanted to chat with him about riding. At Ridge road some decided to go right. I don't see the difference. Its just a circle. I pushed up a couple of hills which I think picked up the pace a little. I lead a while but don't think I was going too hard. At any rate we ended up with a 18.2 mph avg which is a full mph faster than usual. Need to rest a little tomorrow for the Time trials Wed.

avg- 18.2

max- 33.5

cal- 2264

zone 5- 2:28
