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7:30 AM

7.8 mi


10:39 mi


160 lb
146 bpm
169 bpm


70 F


COMMENTS: The temperature was great this morning. Had a Clif Bar P/B and milk right before I left. I had about 80% inspiration to go. Started off ok. Noticed the HR showing in the 160's right off the bat so thats messed up the avg. The max HR is wrong. I don't think it got over 160. Got to the Greenway and walked down the winding acess while I had a gel and 10oz of water. I think it was too much to drink at one time. I bothered me for a little while. Not even half way through and I didn't feel as good as I have in past long runs. Getting back onto Robinwood felt better and then onto Hoffman and I felt a lot better. My knees complained at various times and my feet started to feel throbbing at the end. Maybe split up the gel entering and exiting the Greenway. Not sure what to do with half pack of gel. Actually don't think it helped. Didn't have anything else till I finished. An hour and a half is a long time to run but I don't sweat much when its cooler.

cal- 1244

Zone 5- 0:44
