Bike: Trail ride Previous Next


11:00 AM

17.3 mi


7.72 mi / hr


150 lb
115 bpm
163 bpm


90 F
  • Map



COMMENTS: Trails were nice today. I thought it may be a little muddy. A bit cloudy made it a little cooler. Did the whole trail and then the main loops with the weigh station loop. I'm finding it easier to get around now. I've learned how to conserve momentum and when its ok to coast down the fast hills. I had a plastic sandwich bag I brought lunch in. Took it and picked up empty gel packs on my second loop then pinned it to a post at the beginning of the trail. There must have been 20 in it. I wish people wouldn't throw these down on the trail. I'm more confident on the tricky parts of the trail. I've got it down to about 4 places that really get my attention.

avg- 7.7 includes the stops to pick up trash.

max- 23.1

cal- 1685
