Bike: Road Ride Previous Next


5:30 PM

48.9 mi


19.27 mi / hr


161 lb
158 bpm
199 bpm


71 F


9 / 10
9 / 10


Good group tonight. Took the Robinson route to the school and had an 18 average. About 6 at the school. Had a pretty good pace going from the start. Looked at my HR about half way down Patrick and it was at 186. I did have a cup of coffee right before I left but I wasn't even breathing hard. Checked it a few times and it was above 160 and I don't know why it was so high unless it was the coffee but its never done this before. Met the two Calfee riders going the other way and they weren't able to turn around because of traffic. At our pace I knew they wouldn't be able to catch us. At the next turn I looked back and sure enough they weren't there. I managed to stay with the group all the way to the school with a 20.0 avg. At the end the hills were beginning to take their toll. The trip home from the school was tough. I'm a bit dubious about the HR. A 158 average is pretty high and I don't feel like it should have been that high which means the calories are a bit high. A 199 max is wrong judging from some previous highs. I wouldn't expect the high to jump 13 points.

max- 37.4

zone- 1:35:30

cal- 2992
