Run: Easy Previous Next


12:30 PM

4.2 mi


8:19 mi


38 F
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COMMENTS: Did a 25 min video workout before I went to the Greenway. I don't stretch before I run but I use the walk to the Greenway to loosen up. It's so cold your muscles don't loosen up much so I decided to use the video workout warm up and then went straight out to run. Looks like it helped. A lot. My plan was to run about a 9 min pace. I didn't want to over do it and wind up at square one. I wore a wicking shirt under a long sleeve shirt and a short sleeve shirt. It was very cold at first but warmed up after 1.5 m. At the first mile I was on a 8:26 pace. It felt good so I went with it. Finished the second mile in 8:25 and still felt good but tiring. My breathing had gone to 3/2 some which I don't usually do at all on these runs. Mile 3 is a little downhill but 8:09 was a surprise. With only a mile to go I concentrated on form kept pushing, I felt fine, and finished the last mile in 8:12. I was pretty tired when I finished but I didn't go as hard as I would have in a race. My legs felt great. This is the fastest I've ever run the Greenway. I feel very good about breaking 25 mins on the 5k.

8:26 8:25 8:09 8:12

GPS- 3.93

Auto Lap set at 0.94. Added 0.01 (0.95)

At lunch time Thur I feel fine. My calves aren't sore. The weather is horrible, freezing rain, so I may go to the gym for a bit.
