Bike: Trail ride Previous Next


12:30 PM

12.7 mi


10 mi / hr


154 lb
145 bpm
173 bpm


71 F
  • Map



Two laps at the wwc on the main trail. Rode the Kenda tires. First lap included Goat Hill. Rode the whole lap with the exception of the first left switchback at the end of the hard climb. Lost too much momentum to make the turn. Hiked to the first straight bit and rode to the next left switchback before the rocky climb and hiked that. Even hiking was as fast as sit and spin. Next lap included Carpet Trail. No problems. Trying to keep a 10 mph average. Came up on a slow rider going down the fast bit with the lake on the right. Shifting gears all over. Passed him on the first hill at the left turn. He was hurting and I blew past him even on my second lap. Up on the Carpet Trail I had to push the pedals hard to get around the right turn after the carpet turn. Pretty beat back at the car but felt good about the ride.

zone- 14:10

cal- 1132

max- 24
