Run: Long Previous Next


1:00 PM

13.3 mi


10:10 mi


156 lb
147 bpm
172 bpm


70 F


COMMENTS: I was very motivated about todays run being the last long run and I wanted to see how the new shoes did. Started off on the Greenway with a first mile in 9:35. Finally had the pace at 10 min by mile 3. Had half a flask of P-ade at the turn on the Greenway and the other half coming off the Greenway. I started feeling it in my gut going up Robinwood and didn't drink anything till I got back to the Greenway by which time my gut was about to explode and I needed to pee. Going onto the Greenway I was feeling pretty bad. Not tired and my legs were OK, but I needed a bathroom. I stuck it out and finished the last 4 miles but this is the worse I have ever felt. I wanted to quit and just walk into the woods. And the Max HR is wrong again. the Avg is about right. It was in the low 150's for the last 3 miles.

cal- 1983
