Run: Long Previous Next


2:30 PM

10 mi


10:19 mi


155 lb
147 bpm
220 bpm


61 F


COMMENTS: Great day to run. Cloudy and cool. Can't ask for better than that. Feels good to be doing double digit mileage again. Shooting for a 10 min pace today but made sure I didn't over do it. I tried to keep the HR monitor in the 130-140's and managed most of the time. I only saw it above 150 after a few hills. I may not had it wet enough at the start and got the 240. Nothing exciting happed along the way. I managed to make the run in between rain storms so not too many people were willing to risk that. Found a sandwich bag along the way and covered my phone. I forgot to get one before I left. Had half a gel going onto the Greenway and the other half at the half way turn. Some P-ade coming off the Greenway. Wasn't at all tired the whole run which is what I was trying to accomplish. My right Achilles tendon is a little sore at the moment so some ice and rest for that. Had a cold bath and some toast with p-butter when I got home. I weighed after the p-butter and some Propel water. I'll see what it is in the morning. The GPS was off by a tenth when I got back. I went till it got to 5 miles and turned around so I should have reached 10 where I started but had to extend it about a tenth.

cal- 1597

GPS Data:

cal- 1293

10:08 10:14 9:54 9:59 10:17

10:13 10:25 10:49 10:30 10.34
