Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:15 PM

10 mi


6:21 mi


72 F


8 / 10
9 / 10


I did a new route today that I really liked, switching up my old Girl Scout/Pleasantville loop by going from the Girl Scout camp up Pleasantville Rd past Briarcliff HS and past Hardscrabble to Choat, coming out by Pace and taking a left back toward Pleasantville, then heading over toward the Jacob Burns past Key Foods, etc. and then all the way up to 117 near the Michael's light (right by where the xmas tree church is) and then back home. It was a relatively flat route compared to the other runs I do around Chappaqua but still tougher than the Pleasantville/Thornwood loop, and I really enjoyed this. I did a 7 mi steady state from just before the Girl Scout camp until the 9 mi mark of the run along 120 on the way home, and it felt great. I maintained a solid pace juts over 6:00 miles (about 6:02s for the whole thing) and felt strong and smooth throughout. I'm really glad to see that I'm feeling so good for longer, sustained efforts like this and that I can keep such a solid pace for so long while still feeling so smooth.
