Run: Interval Previous Next


12:30 PM

7 mi


8 / 10
9 / 10
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I did a great interval workout this afternoon with Emma Clarke on the big loop next to the Jardin Botanique. After warming up for about 1.25 mi, we did 6 x 2 min intervals w/ 2 min recovery. I took these pretty hard, trying to get the legs spinning, especially with the generous recovery, and it went really well. I averaged about 5:15 pace for most pieces, which I'm definitely happy with considering the hill on every loop, and though hard I was pleased that I felt strong all the way through the workout. The last one I even did at about 5:05 pace. This was all the better considering the tempo I did yesterday!

Then wrapped up with about 2 miles of cool down for a solid day.
