Run: Tempo Previous Next


9:30 AM

11 mi


69 F


8 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map


I joined the HGXC team again today during their preseason, and Mr. Houser asked that I lead a group on a tempo run which I did instead of the threshold workout I had been planning on. We did a mile and a half warm up, and then 20 minutes at about 6:00 min pace with Indian runs mixed in. We went to Rockwood which certainly wasn't flat, but I was sure to maintain pace as best as I could, and when the 20 minutes were over I added one more mile on of slightly faster tempo before doing about 5 miles of cool down/average pace to finish out the miles for the day. The ankle that was bothering me yesterday was still hurting a bit, but again it didn't slow me down at all and it wasn't quite as bad.
