Run: Tempo Previous Next


12:30 PM

9.4 mi


6:22 mi


9 / 10
9 / 10
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Because it's been so quiet in the office and Ciara is out this week, I decided to go home for a long lunch break and get in my run then. It was a treat to get in a long weekday run while it was light out, and I did a really solid workout. Going for true tempo over steady state, I did 5 min, 20 min, 10 min at tempo with recovery of 90 sec and 2 min, respectively. This was perhaps the most pain I've been in while running in a long time (certainly since xc last year) because this was by far the longest workout I've done, I could feel my lack of recent speed work, and I pushed these pieces pretty hard (considering where I am right now). The first piece averaged about 5:40, the second about 6:05/6:10 (this was long, painful, and had one solid hill. It was here that I could feel what I was lacking in leg speed and endurance), and the final piece about 5:40/5:45 (this had a long downhill in it where I tried to get the legs rolling [which will be important in the Escalade] but I was real tired). These paces weren't quite what I had been hoping for, but I'll chalk that up to the legs being tired after an aggressive ramp-up last week to get here. I trust that if fresher I could have done at least a bit better. All in all a strong workout though that I worked hard, and that I'm pleased with.

Training Plan Entry


9 mi

5 min, 20 min, 10 min at true tempo. Rec = 90 sec, 2 min.
