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1:00 PM

6.5 mi


6:21 mi


7 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

<No name>


On my first day back in the office I got myself back into the rhythm of the lunchtime runs, getting out for a nice 6.5 mi loop from Gavi to Stand, up Athenee to the park there at the end, and then down Malagnou all the way to Bel Air, and then across the main bridge to the station and back. I felt pretty good, if not in perfect shape, and the new shoes again were really great. The pace was strong, and what most surprised me about it was that while before break I was running the same, those runs weren't "hard" but I could tell that I was working well and running strong. This run was the first of this pace that was truly relaxed and not pressing at all. Some might be the shoes, which are definitely lighter, but even so.. that's nice to see.
