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3:45 PM

7.2 mi


6:23 mi


6 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

<No name>


Today's run felt really good-- nice and relaxed, comfortable, and pretty too. I ran down to the bottom of Malagnou and took the path through the park back up to Naville, and then cut back from Florissant to Malagnou and came back to the residence. This run I especially wasn't trying to press or anything, but my cadence felt quick (the lighter shoes might be helping with that?) and I was pleasantly surprised to find once again that the pace was very good. What's especially nice to see is that this sort of fast pace is becoming more and more comfortable- I'm not working as hard and I'm feeling more relaxed, and yet the pace is staying right around that 6:20 mark. Not too bad.
