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7:15 PM

4.6 mi


6:57 mi


6 / 10
7 / 10
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<No name>


So, the last two weeks were Steff's visit to Geneva, and obviously the running thing didn't happen while she was here. We enjoyed a long weekend in Rome over the first weekend she was here, and then more recently I came down with some nasty bug that gave me a very sore throat and a fairly high fever, from which I'm just recovering. All put together, she and I never went for a run, though we did walk extensively while in Rome.

However, she left this morning and I forced myself out for a run this evening despite only being 85% recovered and healthy. I just did a short loop along the lake to Gavi, up to Nations, and then down to Rue de Lausanne and past Cornavin and back home. I could tell I hadn't run in a while, and the legs felt funny and tired, but obviously the pace was still decent and I didn't feel too awful even toward the end.

I'm hoping that this week will be getting back into things, and then I'll have two weeks of solid workouts before the taper into the race. We'll see...
