Run: Fartlek Previous Next


12:00 PM

9 mi


6:22 mi


9 / 10
9 / 10
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Gavi III


I went out during lunch again and the long Gavi III loop, over which I did my old fartlek workout of 10 min @ 10k, 5 min @ 5k, 3 min @ 3k, 2 min @ mile, 1 min lift, with recovery of 2 min, 90 sec, 60 sec, 60 sec, respectively. As my last real workout before the race next weekend, I hoped that this one would cover both my ongoing need to build base endurance and aerobic ability with the need to get more speed in my legs before such a fast race. In general I felt quite good during this workout, though it was tough, and for each pace I averaged paces of 5:34 (quite good for a threshold/tempo pace in trainers on hills), 5:35 (this was obviously supposed to be faster, but much of it was on a long hill so I'll attribute the equal pace to that), just under 5:30, 4:50 (downhill, but good to get the legs spinning), and about 5:00, respectively. Considering that these all felt fairly good and it was on a loop with constantly rolling hills, these paces seem strong and I suspect that with fresh legs and light shoes I'll be in fairly good shape for next weekend. Just one workout remaining next week, and the long run on sunday!

Training Plan Entry


9 mi

Fartlek-- 10 min @ 10k, 5 min @ 5k, 3 min @ 3k, 2 min @ mile. Rec = 2 min, 90 sec, 60 sec.
