Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:00 PM

9.5 mi


6:03 mi


8 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map


Did a 35 min tempo this evening out into the Choler area, which was actually quite nice. I enjoyed being out at night for the first time in a while (excepting short runs in the city center), and it was still pretty nice out. I was a little tired for this workout for some reason (maybe Saturday and Sunday took more out of me than I had thought), but nevertheless felt fairly strong through the full tempo, even taking the hills pretty well. I averaged about 5:44 pace, a little slower than I would have hoped considering the largely flat route (though there were two pretty good hills). I also noticed that I was having trouble maintaining a 3-2 breathing pattern almost from the start of the tempo, favoring a 2-1 or, at times, falling into a 2-2. That alone is a sign that I was probably a little worn out for this workout. However, on the upside, even the split for the first 1.5 miles was done at 5:43 pace, which means that I was remarkably consistent through the workout, not lagging at all at the end. That at least is a good sign of my endurance.

Hopefully I'll power through some intervals tomorrow, and then recover well Thursday and Friday for a faster tempo over the weekend.
