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6:30 PM

10 mi


6:48 mi


76 F


7 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map


While it wasn't especially warm this afternoon it was extremely humid (like, 98%) which made this run rather less pleasant than it could have been. I headed from the Priscantelli's past the library and around on Rt 117 to the top of King St, then turned right onto Rt 120 and did an Old Lyme to Haight's Cross, went down to Whip Rd and then took Whip Lake Rd into the back of Whip Park, after a loop in the park went back out the Whip Rd to 120, to Overlook Rd, up Algonquin, and then down Devoe into a Castle and back to the Priscatelli's. I definitely hurting a bit today in the humidity, especially on some of the major uphills like on Algonquin, but I enjoyed the loop and really liked getting to check out Whip Park for the first time in years.
