Run: Tempo Previous Next


10 mi


6:24 mi

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<No name>


Run with Nutmeg on the trail south of town. After feeling better the last couple of days I had quite a bit more interest in a workout than I have had in a while. I wasn't sure of the full workout but Nutmeg said tempo pace so I went with it. Apparently we started a bit slow even though my legs felt like it was still decently hard. I felt tired at different times but never really bad, just uninterested at times. Nutmeg said stop at 3 miles and then we took a mile easy before another piece.

The start of this piece felt really good and I felt like I was able to get in a really good rhythm for the first 2 miles. The 3rd mile started to put a little more strain on me and I was definitely ready to be done by the end. The change in form still seemed to help but not surprisingly, it didn't make me super fit overnight.

1) 6:23: This was a pretty casual start. Part of it was uphill but mostly it was still warming up.

2) 5:53: More uphill but our effort was getting where it should be

3) 5:45: A large U-turn but also some downhill that made made this feel easy.

1) 5:58: While much faster than the 1st mile before, the effort wasn't much different.

2) 5:45: Some ups and downs on the one as we gear up for the final mile.

3) 5:33: We kept rolling after the last downhill and then had 2 runners to chase down. We relaxed some after pacing them but didn't figure 5:33 would come that easily.
