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10.5 mi


6:40 mi

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<No name>


Workout with Nutmeg. We warmed up a couple of miles and then did a mile at tempo. I could tell right away that my legs weren't feeling great after the past week of running and I kind of struggled through one mile of tempo. Then we headed to the track for 400s at 75. It seemed like this shouldn't be too bad for me, but again my legs just didn't have it today (can I blame jet lag 2 days later and when I didn't go across time zones?). Even though my legs weren't feeling great, my breathing was very comfortable and even felt better as we went. After the first set of 4, I didn't feel great but I also figured I could still do plenty of them if needed. I had some tight calves and hip flexors but didn't think too much of it, but then on the 6th rep my left hip started to get really tight, bordering on painful. I did another one and it was definitely painful. I decided to finish the set of 4 but the last one may not have been the best idea. I called it after that and put my trainers back on. Trainers and the slower pace helped even though my hip and groin were both still tight. It felt like it needed pop. Hopefully I'm just a little off from the treadmill running and travel. I made a chiro appointment and hope that will take care of it.
