Bike: Tempo Previous Next


25 mi


23.43 mi / hr

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<No name>


Bike leg of the HyVee Triathlon. This went pretty well. I got out feeling good and started rolling people up pretty quickly. Right away I started going back and forth with a guy and tried to make sure I went out of his draft zone before I went back around him. I saw him until about the 15 mile mark and then I pulled away from him on some hills. This was my one point looking back that I felt like I got a little lazy. I didn't push the hills as hard as I should have and definitely didn't have my legs burning enough for the that 5 mile portion of the race. I was probably trying to save my legs for the run without really thinking about it, but I don't think I need to do that for a 10k. The last 5 miles I got it back together but the route has a few more twists and turns which makes it difficult to get going. I feel like I have improved a lot on the technical parts of bike racing though and don't lose nearly as much speed taking corners now. My average pace did end up being a little slower than what I wanted but I still don't have race wheels or an aero helmet which will hopefully get me closer to the 60-62 minute goal I was shooting for.
