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7:00 mi

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<No name>


Run with Helix and Max. I'm losing motivation and probably going to take a week (or little more than a week off) starting tomorrow. Also crazy looking back that I only took 3 days off in April. That has to be the fewest days I've had off in a month in a long time.



Any summer races on your calendar?


I'm going to try to race a bit more but nothing big planned. I'm going to do a 5k this weekend and then plan to do the Pigman Triathlon for the first time in a long time at the beginning of June. After that I don't have anything specific planned. I'm hoping to just keep running quite a few miles, race more than the last few years, and maybe find a bigger race early fall.

Helix is signed up for Twin Cities Marathon and Max, the new guy we started training with, is running Chicago.


TC10 is a pretty awesome race...