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9.5 mi


6:32 mi

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<No name>


Workout with Nutmeg on the bike path. 2 mile warmup the a mile tempo at 5:55. After some recovery we did 2-4-1-4-2 minutes at some paces that Nutmeg was in charge of with half time recovery. I felt pretty good throughout the workout actually. Even got my breathing really under control during the second 4 minute interval. My legs were still tightening up but it was good to have breaking under control a little better.

Nutmeg did another 1 minute recovery and went into another mile of tempo. I needed a little longer recovery and waited another couple of minutes before doing 4 minutes of tempo. The tempo actually felt pretty good but my legs were pretty tired at the end of the workout and I was very slow for the last mile and a half.
