Run: Distance Previous Next


10 mi


6:54 mi

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<No name>


Run on my own after an unplanned day off. I wanted to make sure I got double digits but I felt terrible for the first 4 miles of this run. I was wearing my headphones and decided to just keep going from 3.5 to 4 and see if it gets better. Somewhere around 4-5 miles everything started to click and running started to feel much easier. Listening to some songs I hadn't heard in 10 years probably helped but I also think I started to get into a more comfortable running form. I've noticed that I have been carrying my arms much higher than normal but whenever I tried to drop them it seemed uncomfortable. Today I finally got it figured out and rolled along on the second half of the run feeling really good. Not exactly tempo pace but definitely faster than a normal day. Breathing was much more relaxed and my legs felt better at the end of the run than at the start. I'm going to need to make sure I focus on this form moving forward.
