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11 mi


6:55 mi

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<No name>


Run with Kyle from his house. We went out the gravel road and then ran around the trails for a while. The trails were wet but not too slippery. Kyle ended up doing 8 and I went back out for some more. It isn't a huge section of trails but I always get lost when I am in there. I planned on 10 but couldn't find my way back so I got in another mile. My legs felt really good today. Typical knee soreness but it has been going away quickly after runs so I'm not really concerned with it. My toe has definitely been feeling worse though. The soft surfaces helped tonight but I think the stiff new shoes and higher mileage are taking a toll on it.

Since my toe has been bothering me so long the podiatrist scheduled an MRI for next week. Hopefully it can show what the problem is.
