Run: Long Previous Next


16 mi


6:49 mi

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<No name>


Long run with Nutmeg. After a day off my knee was feeling really good. I didn't really notice it all through this long run. We had a few slow downs due to footing but overall the run went by quickly and we both seemed to be feeling pretty good. As we were getting out of town to the south I started to wonder where the turnaround was going to be. Nutmeg took us to 8 and we started out trip back. A little fatigue was starting to set in but I still felt comfortable and strong for most of the trip back. With 2 miles to go I feel like I could have picked it up, but over the next half mile I started to feel the fatigue set it. Probably still could have (and did) pick the pace up, but it took more out of me than I was thinking at that point.

Knee felt great throughout but soreness came on quickly after we stopped. Before I was out of the shower it was pretty painful again. Hopefully it continues to recover by the next run. Still a really good day and week of 50 miles in 5 days with nagging knee pain.
