Bike: Tempo Previous Next


15 mi


23.96 mi / hr

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<No name>


The bike part of the race felt really good again. I started off pretty hard and immediately started passing a lot of people again. I was shocked again how many people I was able to pass. It was a lot of fun passing people with TT helmets and really nice TT bikes. One guy and I went back and forth a couple times, I usually passed him back on hills and I stayed ahead of him at the end so no one passed me on this portion this time. I did notice that I get somewhat complacent at times and just kind of start spinning instead of really trying to go fast. It was probably good that a guy passed me a few times because that would get me rolling again. I think right now, even on the little bike training I do, I could go harder and feel that I am capable of averaging 25 mph for sprint triathlons.
