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15 mi


6:40 mi

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<No name>


I helped Kyle move a swing set all morning and then had to go pick up stuff from Menards and Home Depot so I wasn't too motivated by the time I got home at 3. I decided I should still get out for the run and was feeling good right away so I decided to commit to the longer run I had been planning. I felt really good until about 8 miles when I realized how far I still needed to go. I kept up a solid pace throughout but running a longer run in warmer temps definitely took its toll on me. I was really glad to be done by the end.

This felt like a solid week on my own, but I'm also a little depressed by the workout and long run feeling as tough as they did.


Maggie P

Sorry the workout and long run felt crummy.

You definitely DID have an awesome week, and that's especially impressive given that it was entirely solo.

Keep it up! It'll come!