Run: Tempo Previous Next


10 mi


6:42 mi

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<No name>


Tempo run with Nutmeg on the bike path south of town. I was feeling really good to start and basically strong through about 5 of the 6 miles, but once it got hard it really started to fall apart for me. And I wasn't very motivated to fight through it. Nutmeg said another minute or two and I just gave in and stopped to let him finish on his own. I'm still happy with the workout which was around 3 miles just over 6 then 5:5x, 5:41, and 5:39 (a little shorter for me). It seems like dipping under 6 minute pace can take a toll on me faster than I would like though.

I can be slightly more depressed knowing that Nutmeg outlasted me on this workout while having Covid.
