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5 km


5:25 mi

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Amana 5k with Nutmeg. We didn't recognize anyone to start the race so we figured there wouldn't be much competition, but a few other guys got out strong and as I pushed ahead of them I got into a comfortable pace in the lead. I tried to look back a few times to see where Nutmeg was at but I was struggling to see over my shoulder and didn't want to look back every few steps. So I just settled in with a solid pace but something I felt like I could pick up later on in the 5k. Right after the mile, I only heard on person behind and finally took a long look to see it was Nutmeg and we were well clear of everyone else. Nutmeg was about 15-20m behind me and I decided to just idle back a bit and run together. We went through the 2nd mile together with a little more uphill and downhill. I felt very comfortable through this and was starting to think about when I would pick it back up (deciding on the last mile). Then as we got through the 2nd mile, Nutmeg caught me off guard and picked it up quite a bit. I was good with that but he did put a little more strain in my legs than I expected. It was good to see him having a good race though so we ran by all of the runners cheering for us before a half mile just the two of us. It felt good but hard the last mile and I put in a little extra surge for the line against Nutmeg.

Overall we ran a solid time and I'm pretty satisfied with the race. I'm sure I could have run the first 2 miles faster but I'm not sure I could have run them as fast as the last mile or if I could have run the last mile as fast if I had picked up the first 2. I'm guessing I probably could have run 16:15-16:30, similar to the turkey trot last year. Still a lot of fun to get in a solid race with Nutmeg.

Nutmeg has splits which I can probably adjust the first and second mile from his with a 5 second swing, so 5:30 - 5:35 -5:10
