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11 mi


6:33 mi

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<No name>


Nutmeg and I agreed to try a workout. I was feeling alright but not sure how it would go. Our warmup was already getting down to 6:30 so after a bathroom break we planned to start a progression run from there. I think we were a little faster than planned for the first mile but 6:15 and then 6:00 felt good. The next mile was closer to 5:45 and I actually felt great for part of that mile. I was honestly itching to go faster at times. Then the next mile my breathing started to get the best of me. We ran a low 5:30s and I finally decided I needed to catch my breath. I jogged really easy for about 15 seconds as Nutmeg went on ahead and then decided I should try to finish the last mile hard still. I caught my breath quickly and felt good jumping back to pace. I could tell Nutmeg was going a little faster than me but I was still hitting 5:40ish. Ended up being pretty happy with the workout considering how I have been feeling lately. It isn't good that 5:30s feel hard right now but I will have to take it.
