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16.5 mi


6:48 mi

  • Map

<No name>


Longest solo run I have done in a long time. I knew I needed to get out for a long run to start the week and set out with a goal of 15-16. I ran a different route to get to the bike path since I figured that would be better footing than the trail by my house or sidewalks. That ended up being a good decision because the bike path was really good to run on. I wasn't really sure of my pace but made note of the time at some locations so I could check it after the run. If google maps is correct, I ended up being closer to 17 on the day and for the middle part of the run I was running sub 6:30.

That is probably pretty accurate. I didn't feel great to start but did realize I was rolling a long at a solid pace throughout the middle of the run. Overall, I'm really happy with how this run went. I did end up crashing pretty hard after the run but hopefully will be recovered by tomorrow.



Geez, I run 16 and this guy decides he needs to run 16.5. Insecure much?


Just trying to keep up with you. I really only planned on it being 16 until I checked the distance after the run.

Kim Horner

Nice run! And a big week!