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8 km


5:19 mi


Fifth Seasons 8k in Cedar Rapids. This is a pretty big race with almost 1000 in runners in both the 8k and 5k and solid money in the 8k. After a few weeks off and just getting back to running my plan was to go out just behind Chase Moser and see how it felt. Luckily, Chase didn't go with the front group so I ran with him leading the second group through the mile in about 5:17. This felt pretty good so I decided I would be able to go after that pace for the rest of the race. The course was different from the last time I ran this race 3 years ago. It seems like it should be a very flat and fast course but the long gradual inclines were much worse than I anticipated. At the mile Nate Hopp went to the front of our group but we jumped on the move and were back in front of him soon as we reached the top of the long gradual hill around the 2 mile in 10:35. On the downhill into Bever park, I started to push the pace. I felt the other few guys in the group go to my hip and just tried to use the downhill as I saw who was ahead of us at the turnaround. When we made the turn to head back up the small hill to the 3 mile mark, Josh Evans and another recent high school grad passed us. I wasn't too worried about them, but Chase didn't want the young guys beating him so he responded to the move and I figured I should do the same or else I might lose focus if I start to slip away from Chase. We ran in a pack of 4-5 for a lot of the 4th mile. I definitely got to the lead at times as I was trying to use the long gradual downhill to my advantage. This entire mile I was also focused on catching my roommate, Andy Sabin, who was shocking me with how well he was holding on in front of us. After we caught him he actually jumped on our solid pace for a while and ended up finishing only 20 seconds behind me. I could feel myself gapping Chase a little on the long downhill but after we hit a flat section around a mile to go, he came back quickly and went straight to the lead of our group. I was feeling really tired at this point and figured that would be it for my run with Chase but somehow was able to move around Evans and the others to get back near Chase and we rolled away from the pack together. The last half mile or so is downhill and the finish line can be seen from a long ways away. Chase and I were both bumping up the pace little by little and with about a block left I finally took off expecting a response to come from the 1:54/3:52 guy, but it never happened. I finished 15th in a pretty solid time and know the course must have been pretty solid as I looked through the results. Eli Horton was less than a minute ahead of me and Kevin Lewis had a rough day only 20 seconds ahead of me. I think I got the most out of my fitness today but am excited for a summer of training with Chase and Kyle. Hopefully my toe can continue to feel good.

Brittney also ran the 5k and had a 45 second PR to run 28:00. She asked if the course was long because her phone said it was 3.25. I wasn't sure but after talking to Chase and Emily Eimers, Emily said it was definitely long too. So if Brittney goes by her phone she ran 27:01 for a 5k. Either way it was a big PR for her and she was really excited.



Did you see Janet there?

Maggie P

Congrats drew! Great race!


Thanks Maggie! And yes, I did see Janet there. We spoke for a minute before and after the race but I didn't see her again after we left the finishing area. It looks like she ran a pretty solid race.


Nice work Drew! Glad to hear your toe is feeling good!