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8 km


5:13 mi


Raced in the Coe home meet. Went straight to the front and got beside Dewar. We set the pace the entire race. Pretty good sized group as we went through the mile in 5:08 and then we slowly got rid of people the rest of the race. Jake Sutton from Simpson stayed with us until just before the 4 mile mark but then he dropped pretty hard. Dewar and I cruised to the finish and he won his home meet as a senior. I felt really good during this race. Probably would have pushed the middle harder if I was trying to break away but I didn't really feel like doing that to Dewar. Dewar seemed really controlled during the race too and was just trying to win without going to the well so I'm sure he could have run faster too. In the end, it didn't really feel like an all out race effort which excited me since it was a cross country PR. I feel like I can run low 25s right now so it looks like La Crosse is back on the plan.

Interesting note from the race. I got a wood chip stuck on a spike during the race. It was right as we crossed the bridge so I almost rolled my ankle for a few steps before figuring out what it was. Then I tried to hit it off while running for a couple steps but was unsuccessful. I finally had to come to a stop and pull it off and then had to catch back up. It didn't take very long and wasn't difficult to catch up, just a really weird feeling to completely stop and start again during a race.
