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8 km


5:11 mi


Race at La Crosse. This course treated me pretty well in college and I have been excited to get back since then. I was planning on being more aggressive and really showing my fitness before finishing the season.

I got out pretty well considering I started in the second row. Not quite as far up right away as I wanted but I was on the outside and was able to get up to the leaders before the mile. The mile felt really relaxed and I just tucked in behind the Central pack. Not sure of the split because of all the noise but probably right around 5:00. The muddy downhill was pretty rough. I felt fine down it but really tightened up trying not to slip. When I hit the lower section and wanted to roll again my back got tight and I couldn't get into a rhythm. Got passed by quite a few people over the next two miles and seriously considered dropping out of the race. Decided that was a bad idea and really focused on my breathing and relaxing during the third mile. Finally things started to feel better and even going down the hill the second time I stayed relaxed. Really started rolling again along the bottom and was passing a lot of guys back that had passed me earlier. Up the hill I still felt strong and started racing Sam Read from Wartburg and Simpson's top runner. This gave me a little extra boost the last mile and I was able to out kick the Simpson runner to run 25:45 for right around 15th place. Other splits I heard-10:20-15:32-20:45.

This was still PR which I can't complain about and a pretty good time and place considering the muddy course. Still, I feel like it was far from my best effort of the season. I wanted to run with the leaders and mentally had a weak section that kept me from doing that. I wish I had another cross country 8k opportunity to try to run closer to 25 flat but since nothing is really left this year I think I am going to take some time off and start getting ready for track. Still the best season I have ever had by far and a great summer of solid training without injuries.
