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9 mi


6:27 mi

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<No name>


Run with Nutmeg from Lion Bridge. The goal was to do some faster pieces. We started with a 10 minute tempo probably around 6 minute pace. Then we did 6x1 min at mile/3k with 1 minute recovery. Then another 10 minute (9 minute tempo). The tempo felt good, and then the first 3k piece felt a lot harder than I wanted it to. I was debating getting closer to mile for my pieces but I was already struggling getting the legs going for this first one so I just stuck with Nutmeg for the first few. We made it to 4 and then I figured I really needed to get after it a little more for the last 2. I was able to switch to another gear pretty easily but holding it for the full minute was very difficult and probably had me straining the last 15 seconds of each rep. Still good to get a faster pace going though. The mile pace really made recovery hard though and the final 9 minutes of tempo was a struggle. I'm glad I was able to stick with Nutmeg through it.
