Run: Race Previous Next


7:59 AM

5 km


5:48 mi


52 F

Race Result

46 / 6907 (0.7%)
23 / 345 (6.7%)
44 / 3148 (1.4%)


Truly Tasty Thanksgiving Thursday Turkey Trot Tempo (race). Got out way too hard in the first ~800m then compensated too much in the second 800 and came through the mile 5:40. Found Laboe, and Toby right before the mile, but they sped up and I wasn't about that so I didn't. Second mile in 5:56. Met up with Tyler Evans and ran with him for a while. Luke Liu caught me with ~800 to go, pushed ahead of him for a little, but he caught me in the end. Third mile was 5:50, last .11 was :34. Contrary to my title this really was more of a race than a tempo although In a real race I probably would have pushed more, and actually kicked hard. Quads felt really heavy, but not terrible. This served as a great rust buster, nice to get some speed in again. PRed by like 3.5 minutes, and nice to know I can run 17:25 (3 mile) without killing myself this early in the year.
