Run: Easy Previous Next


4:53 PM

5.4 mi


8:25 mi

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Really slow easy run. Everyone in green felt pretty beat. Now to reflect on the summer. Managed to hit 761 or 762 miles. Came into the summer planning on running about 650, but I just kept building. Highest weekly mileage before the summer was 46, now it's 76. In hindsight I'm very lucky that I did not get injured, went for 24-46-63 in a 3 weeks which is pretty dumb, but I guess it worked out. The main objective for the summer was to do everything I possibly could to have the best cross season I could have, and I think I accomplished that. Any more mileage would probably have injured me. I think the key was taking recoveries very light and very easy, and also splitting mileage up (ex. 12 mile day of 2 six mile runs, not 8 and 4). Before the summer I set as my goal to run sub-17, which seemed almost impossible then, but very possible now. After the summer I an reevaluating and making it my goal to make the top 12 by the time the state series comes around. I'm very excited for what this season has in store for both me as an individual, and the team as a whole . Going forward I plan to hold 60mpw until around mid to late September, and then drop from there.
