Run: Long Previous Next


3.7 mi


12:16 mi


208 lb
133 bpm
148 bpm
58 bpm


50 F
  • Map

Random Route


Alright, I am only going to log o track distance on my long runs, I know that 45:00 is really not a long run but it is my first run over 30:00 since my return from injury. I am also going to track my heart rate on these with a few other things as well, see if I can note any progression or changes etc...

I did a manual test of my Heart Rate in the morning, 58 was my pulse. The weather was approx 50 degrees at start and the same at finish. (note only 45:00) I ran from my house towards Chaseburg and back, all hill on way out and down hill on way back, this morning also gave me a strong 20 MPH head wind on way out and at back on way back.

Breakfast consisted of 3 Blueberry, walnut whole wheat pancakes, no butter little bit of Maple Syrup two eggs no salt.

Heart rate was all over the place in the first 5 minutes I had to keep stopping and walking. ( I am trying to keep it between 130-140 on long runs). after about .5 of a mile I got it stabilized and was able to run all except a small part of the hill at a one of the steep points and the hill turning on to my road. I was wearing shorts and a long sleve R1 from patagonia, warm but not overheated. That is all I can think of right now.
