Run: Run Adjustment Previous Next


7.8 mi


6:58 mi


Was going to run 3.8 mile warm-up and then do 3.55 miles of 1:00 on/off. I wasn't going to do any strides beforehand and was going to slowly work into it. I axed it .11 miles into the first interval because I could tell I wasn't ready. On the warm-up, I ran my normal pace for the most part, but legs felt really weird and a little drained.

Legs felt really drained and awkward when I tried to run fast, so I knew I shouldn't force it. Before this, I was a little frustrated with all of the missed time but didn't think it was a big deal. After this, I was a little pissed and pretty bummed out the rest of the day. I feel like it's going to take longer than normal to get back to where I was pre-sickness. I feel like I'll be at my pre-sickness level at the end of next week, which will give me three weeks until the race. I got sick with about six weeks to go. That means this thing may have cost me three weeks of good, marathon training. Maybe I'm just being dramatic but it's frustrating.

Inside of left hamstring, near the attachment hurts from time to time and my back was super tight randomly throughout the run. Not only am I losing fitness but my muscles are fighting the return as well.
